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NB: We went there almost 10 years ago. Most of the informations I give here are outdated. I'm not a travel agency and I don't belong to any. In order to prepare your trip to Groenland, please use Google. ;)

Greenland draws those who love space, solitude and preserved nature. Ah, icy landscapes as far as the eye can see, majestic icebergs, pleasure to drink pure water from lakes and streams... ^___^

This land still remains a rare and expensive destination. Moreover, its remoteness can impress, and some, as we did, may prefer to rely on a tour operator which will organize these off the beaten track holidays. Even then, it is an adventure: planes and boats trips depending on the weather - you could altogether have to cross an ice-covered sea in the middle of august. You'd better be adaptable about changes in the scheduled plans.

During our journey - which was planed by Comptoir du Groenland - we met others travellers led by guides from GNGL and Terre d'Aventures. The three tour operators are comparables with each other with regard to prices, efficiency and friendliness (besides, Comptoirs and Terre d'Aventures belong now to the same group). It is up to you to chose your ideal formula.

By the way: when departing from France, you will have to stop over in Denmark. If you wish to seize the opportunity to visit Copenhagen, you should preferably do so on the way there, because on your return, memories of Greenland will get all the attention...


French tour operators

Comptoir des Terres Extrêmes
(was Comptoir du Groenland)
344, rue Saint-Jacques, 75 005 PARIS
Tél.: (33 1)
(They don't sell the journey to Ataa anymore.)

Grand Nord Grand Large
15, rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75 005 PARIS
Tél.: (33 1)

Terre d'Aventures
Offices in Paris, Toulouse, Marseille
and Lyon
No Indigo: 0 825 847 800 (0,15 € TTC/Min)


To plan the trip by yourself...

The Lonely Planet Guide
"Iceland, Greenland & the Faroe Islands"
is a absolute must (Lonely Planet Publications).

Greenland Guide
the official guide by the national tourist board of Greenland.

Tourist Nature
organizes all kinds of trips around Ilulissat,
(boat, dogsled...) in french, in english and in italian.
P.O. Box 169 - 3952 Ilulissat - Groenland.



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